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Barceloneta Beach Spain: The Best Guide to La Barceloneta - Offbeat Escapades | Offbeat Travels & Van Life Blog - Barcelona City Guides

Barceloneta Beach Spain: The Best Guide to La Barceloneta – Offbeat Escapades | Offbeat Travels & Van Life Blog


Table of Contents

Barceloneta Beach information

However, if you’re looking for specific things to do in Barceloneta Beach, how to get there, the history, and the best hotels to stay at nearby – then this travel guide on Barceloneta Beach Spain has got you covered.

A Brief History of Barceloneta Beach

Barceloneta beach

Barceloneta beach | © S S / Flickr

Tara Jessop 21 October 2022

The most popular beach in Barcelona, Barceloneta beach, is located next door to the city centre and can easily be accessed by foot, taxi or public transport. Now an iconic feature of Barcelona’s landscape, Barceloneta beach is just as much a place to swim or sunbathe as a place to socialise and enjoy the city’s nightlife.

From rags to riches

If, these days, Barceloneta beach has become a symbol of Barcelona’s status as a major tourist destination – a cosmopolitan culture capital and sunny beach town – it’s easy to forget that until relatively recently the area was something of a problematic area. In fact, as recently as thirty years ago, no one would have imagined going for a swim or even sunbathing on Barceloneta beach, because there quite simply wasn’t one there.

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Home to a handful of factories and the rudimentary homes of local fishermen, the Barceloneta had been rather neglected since the time of its creation in the 18th century. However, as they did in many other parts of the city, the 1992 Olympic Games brought about radical transformation that permanently changed the face of the Barceloneta.

The local authorities ordered the creation of a two-mile strip of beach, and the iconic Passeig Maritim, today home to some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, was envisioned with bars, restaurants and luxury hotels. Suddenly, the Barceloneta was in the spotlight, and the city had acquired a new place to socialise, relax and have fun.

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Palm trees and golden sand on Barceloneta beach | © Manuel Martín / Flickr

Palm trees and golden sand on Barceloneta beach

An urban oasis… of sorts

Barceloneta beach is remarkable for being on the doorstep of the city centre, literally just a few hundred meters from famous sites such as La Rambla, the Gothic Quarter or the Park Ciutadella. This makes getting to the beach incredibly easy and makes for spending a couple of hours at the beach easy to fit into your day.

However, you could say that the beach’s popularity may also have been its downfall. In 2008, the World Health Organization launched an investigation into the quality of the sand on Barceloneta beach after there were concerns over the levels of microbial life found in the water and sand.

That’s not the only controversy to have plagued the beach either, as the council announced in 2016 that the beach had lost over a quarter of its surface area since 2010. An artificial beach, Barceloneta beach was created using sand imported from abroad and has occasionally required ‘topping up’ as waves and weather erode it. The council said that over 50% of the sand added in 2008 and 2010 had been lost and would cost an expected €800,000 to replace.

A beach on the edge of the city | © Robert Brands / Flickr

A beach on the edge of the city

A place to see and be seen

Despite some of the controversy that at times overshadows it, Barceloneta beach is one of the most popular places in Barcelona. The beach and surrounding area has something to offer everyone: outdoor gym areas, open-water swimming lanes, late-night bars, gourmet restaurants and, of course, some remarkable landmarks.

Stroll down the Passeig Maritim, and you won’t help but notice Frank Gehry‘s eye-catching El Peix: a 52m metal sculpture of a golden fish, shimmering by the waterfront. Other public artworks include Rebecca Horn’s Homenatge a la Barceloneta, a homage to the neighbourhood and the people who once inhabited the beach.

But this is also very much a place to be seen, and some of the city’s most popular nightclubs such as Pacha and Carpe Diem can be found at the north of Barceloneta beach, near Port Olimpic. These clubs host big-name international DJs and attract both locals and those visiting Barcelona.

Frank Gehry’s iconic El Peix | © Andrew Eland / Flickr

Frank Gehry’s iconic El Peix

Even if Barceloneta beach remains at threat of erosion from bad weather, there’s no doubt that it has played a crucial role in making Barcelona the prime travel destination it is today.

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Barceloneta Beach

Named as the Nº 1 urban beach in the world by National Geographic, Barceloneta Beach is the most well-known and visited beach during the summer and winter as well, where endless activity takes place all day long. Barceloneta beach takes its name from the neighborhood of the same name. Together, they make up one of the most famous and visited spots in Barcelona. Check all you can see at Barceloneta beach.

GREAT LOCATION BY THE BEACH: Find Hotels near Barceloneta

History of Barceloneta beach

It was one of the first beaches in Barcelona to go under a severe transformation when the remodeling of the coast line took place for the 1992 Olympic Games. The result was an extensive two-leveled boardwalk called Paseo Marítimo (Beach promenade) that starts right at this beach. The first one at ground level where depending on the season you can find, stores and beach related services. The upper one at street level is an observation point of the beach and perfect for practicing biking or running.

The beach forms an inseparable entity with the Barceloneta District, and it represents the best example of the city’s relationship with the Mediterranean Sea. The beach can be seen as an extension of the neighborhood. Fine food and drinks are a heavy reason too, you can end your day at the beach by dining in one of the best seafood restaurants of Barcelona, or just relax with a cocktail in one of the endless bars located just meters away from the sand. You can enjoy all these services and features:

  • Closest beach to the city center.
  • Sports. The practice of volleyball and ping-pong is widely popular.
  • Safety. As all beaches in Barcelona, there is lifeguard and Red Cross attendance.
  • Children playground areas.
  • Showers as well as dressing rooms, all adapted for the disabled.
  • Deck chairs and umbrella renting service.
  • Free Wifi and baggage lockers.

GREAT LOCATION BY THE BEACH: Find Hotels near Barceloneta

How to Get to Barceloneta Beach

How to Get to Barceloneta Beach by Metro

To get to Barceloneta Beach Spain by metro:

  • Take the Yellow Line (Metro Line 4) to Metro Stop: Barceloneta.
  • If you specifically want to get to the marina area of La Barceloneta, walk straight along the street of Passeig de Joan de Borbo for 10 minutes until you see the beach.

How to Get to Barceloneta Beach by Walking

It is also possible to walk to Barceloneta Beach Spain as it’s not very far from the city center:

  • From the end of La Rambla (around the area of Rambla de Santa Monica or Rambla del Mar), it takes about 20 to 25 minutes. Below is a map of the walking trail you can follow to Barceloneta Beach Spain.

How to Get to Barceloneta Beach by Bus

Although not as fast as the metro method, to get to Barceloneta Beach Spain by bus:

  • Take the Bus D20, 45, 59 to Bus Stop: Almirral Cervera or Passeig Maritim.
  • Alternatively, you can join the Big Ben Hop On Hop Off Bus and get off the Bus Stop: Barceloneta.

Things to Do in Barceloneta Beach

Stroll around Port Olímpic and the connected Promenade

The Port’s history dates back to the 1992 Summer Olympics, in which the structure was originally formed to accommodate. Today, it acts as a beautiful harbor to relax and enjoy the views of the sea and the sand. There is even a fish sculpture that was designed by Frank Gehry called the Piex Olímpic.

It is also connected to the rest of the promenade that lines the beach where you can walk from the port to as far as W Barcelona.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Ride the Cable Car to Montjuïc

Parc de Montjuïc is a great and unique sight in Barcelona but one of the harder places to reach. Fortunately, one can take the cable car to Montjuïc Hill.

The ride itself provides beautiful aerial views of the ocean and the entire Barcelona city. It’s a different bird’s eye as what you would normally see in places like Parc Guell.

Relax and Soak Up the Sun in Barceloneta Beach Spain

Barcelona maintains dominantly warm weather all throughout the year. Simply basking in the sun and enjoying the vibes is the best thing to do in Barcelona Beach Spain.

There are also water sports available should you choose to do so. Barceloneta Beach offers kitesurfing and windsurfing as a fun activity to engage in. Otherwise, you can do sports on your own by playing beach volleyball or football.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Admire the lines of yachts by Port Vell

The path along Port Vell offers stunning views of the lines of yachts that line the port. If you’re into the boats or photography, this spot is a winner.

Should you want to do something more than admire the yachts, Port Vell also houses the Museum of Catalan History – a museum that tells the history of the Catalan region and what makes it unique from other parts of Spain.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Check out the whimsical L’Estel Ferit

L’Estel Ferit (or the Wounded Shooting Star) is an interesting sculpture by the beach that will surely catch your eye. Barcelona is no stranger to eclectic architecture and this one lives up to its name.

It is located at the area of the Sant Miquel, where four cubes are seemingly stacked on top of each other in random order. It’s worth checking out and taking photographs of its cool structure.

Enjoy the Tapas and Drinks in Seaside Restaurants and Bars

Barceloneta Beach is home to some of the best restaurants and bars, promising a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere of the Mediterranean Sea.

Some of the noteworthy ones to look into are La Deliciosa, Santa Marta, Lal Guingueta, Escriba, Jefferson and Cal Pinxo.

Either way, whichever restaurant or bar you choose to dine within the area of Barcelona Beach Spain, we honestly think you can’t wrong with Spanish cuisine and their delicious tapas and paellas.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Walk to the W Barcelona

As mentioned, W Barcelona is one of the most iconic yet controversial buildings that can be found in Barcelona Beach Spain. With its noteworthy shape, you can’t miss it as you walk through the beach and marina area.

It’s worth checking out and coming closer to the hotel, or even dining at its beautiful seaside restaurant and partying at its rooftop club.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Discover the Old Town of La Barceloneta

Now the beachside area is not only the beautiful part of La Barceloneta, it’s also a great experience to walk around the historical town center of the district.

The streets leading up to the beach are surrounded by beautifully colored buildings with small balconies, narrow streets, and palm trees all around.

We recommend checking out Placa de la Barceloneta and Carrer de la Maquinista. These areas are full of interesting alleyways and locals flooding out of bars and restaurants especially during the early evening.

There is a sort of buzzing energy to La Barceloneta where you can see how rich and lively the culture is in this part of Barcelona.

Barceloneta Beach Spain - La Barceloneta

Budget Hotels on Barceloneta Beach

If you are still looking for where to stay in Barcelona, La Barceloneta is a great neighbourhood to look into. Imagine waking up and being walking distance to the beach already. It’s one of the biggest draws to staying at this area, aside from the many great restaurants and bars that you can enjoy – whether breakfast, lunch or dinner.

There are many options on where to stay near Barceloneta Beach Spain and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Below we’ve compiled a list of great hotels to check out with a rate of no more than 55 euros per night for two people .

  • Hostal Nuevo Colon
    – Room rates for two people start at 37 euros per night.
  • Hostal Nitzs Bcn
    – Room rates for two people with shared bathroom start at 45 euros per night.
  • Unite Hostel Barcelona
    – Room rates for two people start at 55 euros per night.
  • Hotel Oasis
    Room rates for two people start at 50 euros per night.
  • Hostal Drassanes
    – Room rates for two people start at 55 euros per night.

Final Thoughts on Barceloneta Beach Spain

So there you have it! This is the ultimate guide to visiting Barceloneta Beach Spain. From learning about Barceloneta Beach Facts, how to get to Barceloneta Beach, the best things to do in Barceloneta Beach and finally, a list of great budget hotels on Barceloneta Beach – we hope this answers any questions and doubts you had about visiting the neighbourhood.

Being so close to the city center and La Rambla, La Barceloneta is definitely a must-see for your trip to Barcelona. With its fine sands, architectural sights, great food, relaxed ambiance, and cultural historic sights – there is a an unparalleled beauty to this seaside district.

What about you? Have you been to Barcelona? Did you get to see the area of Barceloneta Beach? Let us know of your travel experiences or questions in the comments below!



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